Course Available Nov 15th, 2020

Live Zoom Sessions Included w/Course


  • Will I have to finish the course in six weeks?

    Not at all. You can take the course at your own pace. The live zoom sessions are offered monthly so that you can fit everything into your unique schedule, without adding any stress. It's your journey after all.

  • Do I need any special supplies?

    You can choose how, when, and where you would like to record your journaling activities. The instructor does make some suggestions, but it is up to you if you want to use those materials.

  • How long does the course take?

    The course has six modules that are intended to follow a set of exercises. You may finish them according to your time restraints, however, it would equal about a six week time period if you did all the modules in order as intended.

  • Will there be anymore courses on Journaling in the future?

    Yes. The instructor plans to provide deeper journaling courses intended to help the individual find healing in the process of Journaling with more in-depth concepts and exercises. We will keep you informed as these online classes become available.