"I didn't want the class to end."

Jane M., Colorado

I never saw myself as much of a journal hugger, but life was really dealing a lot to me at the time. I'm so glad I took a chance with this class. It transformed me and I didn't want the class to end, it was so much fun.

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Live Video Session Schedule

    • Dates and Times for Zoom Live Session (for Module 2 Assignments)

    • Dates and Times for Zoom Live Session (for Module 6 Assignments)

  • 02

    How to Participate in Discussions :)

    • How to Use the Discussion in Each Lesson

  • 03

    Introduction - MOD 1

  • 04

    Welcome to Creative Journaling - MOD 2

    • Intro to Creative Journaling Video

    • Creative Journaling Outline and Daily Pages

    • "I Am" Homework Assignment Video

    • "I Am" (Download)

    • Daily Living Prompts (Download)

  • 05

    What is Reflective Journaling - MOD 3

    • Introduction to Reflective Journaling Video

    • Reflective Journaling Exercises - Deserve and I AM

    • Reflective Journaling MOD 3 Lessons (Downloadable PDF)

    • Mod 3 Part 1 Explanation of Exercises One and Two

    • Mod3 - Exer 1 and 2-2 (PDF format)

    • Reflective Journaling- I REMEMBER Video

    • Reflective Journaling Mod 3 on "I Remember" Exercise AND ASSIGNMENT WORK

    • Module 3 "I Remember" Execise PDF

  • 06

    Rituals of Therapeutic Journaling - MOD 4

    • Introduction to Rituals Video and Outline

    • Writing "Resentments" to Heal Exercise

    • Mod. 4 - Writing Resentments to Heal Process (PDF)

    • The Value of Rituals Applying "Resentments" Outline

    • The Value of Rituals in applying Resentments (PDF)

    • Gratitude and Faith Video

    • "I am grateful..." Discussion and Exercise

    • Therapeutic Journaling Prompts (Downloadable PDF)

    • Emotional Prompts Video

    • Emotional Prompts (Resource)

    • Emotional Prompts (Downloadable PDF)

    • Personal Bill of Rights (Explained in Last Video for Module 4)

    • Personal Bill of Rights Prompts

    • Module 4 - (Section 2 and 3) Gratitude and God PDF

  • 07

    Writing with the Senses - MOD 5

    • Writing with Senses Video


    • Module 5 - Prompts for Senses PDF

    • Module 5 -- Exercises and Prompts for the Senses

  • 08

    Year End Review: Meditation and Stress - MOD 6

    • Meditation ~ What it IS and IS NOT - MOD 6

    • Year End Review on Meditation (Outline)

    • Journaling to Identify and Combat Stress Video

    • Journaling to Identify and Combat Stress (Outline)

    • Journaling through Stress (Self-Care PDF)

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    Address common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.

  • Include questions a potential student may have before purchase.

    Address common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.

  • Include questions a potential student may have before purchase.

    Address common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.

Journaling with a Purpose

"Transforming Life, One Word at a Time"

  • What is Journaling?

    It is a lot of things and probably not what you imagine. Harriet guides students through a discovery process that can provide strength, discovery, and transformation.

  • Who Benefits from Journaling?

    Anyone. Old or young, perfect life or a challenging walk, journaling can help bring more focus, enjoyment, and personal growth to any individual.

  • How to Get Started

    (1) Sign up for the online course. (2) Work through the material as your schedule permits. (3) Jump into the monthly live zoom sessions with the instructor. (4) And enjoy the journey!